Injection molding is the favored manufacturing method when thousands or millions of the same product is required.

The first step in making the plastic part is to build the mold, usually made of steel.  Our specialists use upgraded design software and metal working equipment such as a CNC machine to complete the mold.  The price of mold varies depending on: 

After the mold as been made, it is carefully placed in the injection machine where small plastic beads are heated to a liquid state and forced under pressure into the cavities of the mold.


Product Development

AtlasMold offers experience that can direct you on a variety of materials to be used, production possibilities, the overall design of the mold, and packaging. We make sure to guide you through all your ideas and product production.





Mold Design

AtlasMold is equipped with the latest technology, and our mold specialists are able to design your product from your plan, drawing, or idea and design the mold. By having direct contact with our staff your mold is guaranteed to be built the way you have specified.

We are equipped with this industries finest design and development programs such as Mastercam. This gives us the upper hand in designing exactly what you designed even if it is a rough sketch drawn on plain paper.


Injection Molding:

11537 Tuxford St.
Sun Valley, CA 91352

                Tel: 818-767-1558
                Fax: 818-767-4050


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